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Wiveslover's Page

  • Country: United States, Madison, WI
  • Gender: Male
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Age: 59
  • Sexual orientation: Straight
  • About me: I am new to porn,love amateur homemade videos, especially married couples,all ages worldwide,in sexual encounters in a threesome,all positions and acts,with the DP of her,never done it but want to,and to meet others , especially first timers,video taped and all,I've got an idea and plan for a community for those who want to do what the people call Taboo,but it's not, sexual encounters of married couples with others,just need a listening ear, sponsorship, guaranteed that no couples will divorce,break up, separate, become jealous or any emotional problems,not a swingers place,it's a real thing, someone contact for my book not published and the guidelines of the his incredible program and never before thought of sexual encounters that brings the real fulfillment and joy to all,the real art and pleasure of SEX,and friendships for all,it's not just a sex thing,it's those who want to learn and experience what sex is about,it has one question that a married couple must decide and understand,about themselves and what TRUE LOVE IS,you got to read and hear me out ,and i know,all those who except what i present,it will baffle and define sex,the most beautiful amazing part of life's greatest mysteries,that was once thought of as impossible,for a married couple to do,and not be ashamed or regret this plan I offer,other then that,ive bern aways from sex fir awhiles,been busy working and all but want to meet others,for not only sex but true friendships.