When I looked at my huge breasts on this photo, I associated them with the Witcher who had just drank his magic potion and the veins started to appear on his pale face. Heh. I know - maybe it's stupid. Kisses

When I looked at my huge breasts on this photo, I associated them with the Witcher who had just drank his magic potion and the veins started to appear on his pale face. Heh. I know - maybe it's stupid. Kisses

42 2
  • Anonymous: Maudit que j'aime ça des grosses boules veineuses comme les tiennent la chienne
    12 months ago 3 likes
  • Anonymous: Pas de diffĂ©rence entre toi et une vache non t'as un plus gros pis ha ha ha
    12 months ago 3 likes